Tax-Free Shopping Guide

■ Tax-Free Shopping Guide /
You can purchase any item in shops free of 10% consumption tax under certain conditions.
You are eligible for tax-free shopping if you are a visitor with a temporary stay status.
For tax-free shopping, you must present your passport.The shop will affix a purchase proof document to your passport which will be collected by Customs at the time of departure.
For tax-free shopping, you must present your passport.The shop will affix a purchase proof document to your passport which will be collected by Customs at the time of departure.
- Caution : Please do not remove or misplace the purchase proof document.
ご注意 : 購入記録票は剥がしたり、無くしたりしないで下さい。 - We are currently suspending tax-free shopping in several stores.
296-3, Onozaki, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki / 茨城県つくば市小野崎296-3
Tel: 0800-800-8543
1614, Sugaya, Naka-shi, Ibaraki / 茨城県那珂市菅谷1614
Tel: 0120-007-234
3-663-15, Miwa, Mito-shi, Ibaraki / 茨城県水戸市見和3-663-15
Tel: 0120-257-313
1513, Ishibori, Sugaya, Chikusei-shi, Ibaraki / 茨城県筑西市菅谷字石堀1513 ワンダーグー下館店内
Tel: 0120-688-820
508-1, Higashiushigaya, Koga-shi, Ibaraki / 茨城県古河市東牛谷508-1
Tel: 0120-028-097
5-5-1, Hitachinohigashi, Ushiku-shi, Ibaraki / 茨城県牛久市ひたち野東5-5-1(ワンダーモール1F)
Tel: 0800-800-9330
6-6-4, Matsugaoka, Moriya-shi, Ibaraki / 茨城県守谷市松ヶ丘6-6-4
Tel: 0120-619-567
3-2-8, Horiwari, Kamisu-shi, Ibaraki / 茨城県神栖市堀割3-2-8
Tel: 0120-336-503
2-2-1, Sakuranosato, Noda-shi, Chiba / 千葉県野田市桜の里2-2-1
Tel: 0800-800-7577
3-1186-5, Izumino, Inzai-shi, Chiba / 千葉県印西市泉野3-1186-5
Tel: 0800-800-1555
2F Aeon Mall Kashiwa, 2-5-25, Yutaka-cho, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba / 千葉県柏市豊町2-5-25 イオンモール柏 2F
Tel: 0800-800-3405
254-188, Toyofuta, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba / 千葉県柏市十余二254-188
Tel: 0120-65-5235
565-2, Takasaki, Towada, Narita-shi, Chiba / 千葉県成田市東和田高崎565-2
Tel: 0800-800-2876
30-1, koshiate, Mobara-shi, Chiba / 千葉県茂原市腰当30-1
Tel: 0800-8000-459
3F AsakusaROX・3G, 1-26-5, Asakusa, Taito Ku, Tokyo / 東京都台東区浅草1-26-5 浅草ROX・3G 3F
Tel: 0800-800-8585
1F Oak Ikebukuro Bldg., 1-21-11, Higashiikebukuro, Toshima-Ku, Tokyo / 東京都豊島区東池袋1-21-11 オーク池袋ビル1F (ジーンズメイト店内)
Tel: 080-7162-2742
1F Shibasaki Bldg., 1-20-9, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo / 東京都渋谷区神宮前1-20-9 柴崎ビル 1F(ジーンズメイト店内)
Tel: 080-7563-0972
3F WEST Odawara Dynacity, 208, Nakazato, Odawara-shi, Kanagawa / 神奈川県小田原市中里208 小田原ダイナシティ WEST 3F
Tel: 0800-800-0265
1F AEON MALL Sanoshintoshi, 1324-1 , Takahagicho, Sano Shi, Tochigi / 栃木県佐野市高萩町1324-1 イオンモール佐野新都市1F
Tel: 0800-800-7850
139-1, Arima, Shibukawa-shi, Gunma / 群馬県渋川市有馬139-1
Tel: 0800-800-2532
463, Kaizawamachi, Takasaki-shi, Gunma / 群馬県高崎市貝沢町463
Tel: 0800-800-1851
■ Items eligible for tax free / 免税対象商品
General Goods / 一般商品
Bags & Wallets, Jewelry, Watches, Apparel, Kimono, Electronics, Cameras, Tableware, Interior goods, Toys, Dolls & Folk crafts, Video game console & software, Sports & Outdoors , etc.
バッグ & 財布、ジュエリー、腕時計、衣料品、和服、家電、カメラ、食器、インテリア用品、おもちゃ、ゲーム機 & ゲームソフト、スポーツ & アウトドア用品など

<Applicable amount / 対象金額>
Shoppers must make a minimum purchase of ¥ 5,501 for general goods to receive the tax exemption.
<Caution / ご注意>
The shop will take a copy of your passport for spending of over 1,000,000 JPY.
Consumables / 消耗品
Cosmetics, Soap, Detergent, Battery.
<Applicable amount / 対象金額>
The total amount of purchase must be between ¥ 5,501 and ¥ 550,000.
<Caution / ご注意>
The shop will pack consumables so that they cannot be consumed in Japan.Be careful not to open the package.You may have to pay tax at the time of departure.You must take the tax-free goods out of Japan within 30 days of purchase.
General Goods + Consumables /
一般商品 + 消耗品
<Applicable amount / 対象金額>
The total purchase amount for general goods and consumables must be between ¥ 5,501 and ¥ 550,000.
<Caution / ご注意>
The shop will pack consumables so that they cannot be consumed in Japan.Be careful not to open the package.You may have to pay tax at the time of departure.You must take the tax-free goods out of Japan within 30 days of purchase.
■ Payment / お支払方法
Credit card (VISA / Master Card / JCB / American Express / Diners Club / Union Pay), WeChat Pay, Alipay, au PAY , PayPay, d Pay, Rakuten Pay, Mer pay, LINE Pay, Jcoin Pay, Japanese Yen, US dollars.
クレジットカード(VISA / MasterCard / JCB / American Express / Diners Club / 銀聯カード)、WeChat Pay、Alipay、auペイ、PayPay、d払い、楽天ペイ、メルペイ、LINEペイ、Jcoinペイ、日本円、USドルでお支払いただけます。
■Credit Card /クレジットカード

■QR code payment /コード決済

We accept US dollar bills. You can shop at today's yen rate minus 10 yen per dollar.
Exchange is not available.
■ Others / その他
- You must take the tax-free goods out of Japan.
- Goods purchased for business or commercial purposes are not eligible for the tax-free program.
- Tax-free procedures will be processed at the shop where you purchase the goods and cannot be processed together with goods purchased in other shops.
- Tax-free procedures will be processed on the day you purchase the goods.Completing the tax-free procedure for goods purchased on a different day is not possible.
- 免税購入された商品は国外に持ち出さなければなりません。
- 事業用又は販売用として購入する場合は免税販売できません。
- 免税手続きは購入したお店で行います。違うお店で購入した商品と併せて免税手続をすることはできません。
- 免税手続きは購入した当日に行います。当日以外に購入した商品の免税手続きはできません。